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Сообщение Мохаммеда Эльбарадея Совету управляющих МАГАТЭ (Вена, 18 июля 2003 года)

Генеральный директор МАГАТЭ Мохаммад Эльбарадей. Фото IranMania.com I have just returned from a visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran at the invitation of the Iranian Government, during which I met with the President of Iran and other senior officials. In all my meetings, I impressed on the Iranian authorities once again the need to clarify without delay outstanding safeguards issues (as noted in my report to the June Board — GOV/2003/40) and to co-operate fully and in a transparent manner with the Agency. I also urged the Iranian authorities, as I do all parties to comprehensive safeguards agreements, to sign an Additional Protocol that would enable the Agency to conduct the in-depth and comprehensive verification that could generate, particularly in a country like Iran with extensive nuclear activities, the required assurances.

In conjunction with my visit, a technical meeting took place between our senior safeguards staff and Iranian counterparts. During that meeting, some of the outstanding issues were discussed and the Agency proposed to the Iranian counterparts the timetable and the actions to be taken to resolve the remaining issues. We are awaiting the Iranian response, which is expected shortly. During my visit, Iran also requested that an Agency team visit Tehran to clarify certain aspects of the Additional Protocol; this mission is expected to take place in the next few weeks.

I shall be reporting on our verification activities in Iran to the Board in September and hope that substantial progress in clarifying many of the outstanding issues will by then have been made.

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